The Crank: Ford thinks knowing your horoscope makes for better driving
Going against every known study proving modern drivers need less, not more distractions while behind the wheel, Ford keeps making its Sync system even more complex. Remarkably, Ford is adding daily horoscopes (along with stock quotes, movie listings, airlines, rental cars and hotels) to vehicles equipped with the cloud-based SYNC app Traffic, Directions & Information (see video, above.) I kid you not.
How knowing your horoscope makes you a better driver, only Ford seems to know. From my experience with drivers who still think they can talk/dial/text and drive, knowing their astrological potential for the day will be nothing but trouble.
I mean what will we gain with this new astrological knowledge? Drivers with Venus in Aries will make impulsive, poorly-thought-out lane changes, especially when Mercury is aspected by Uranus? Or the guy in the next lane to you with Jupiter in Capricorn might be more prone to cut you off at the next light?
Maybe I’m missing something here. But do you think Ford—and the rest of the automakers offering such driver distractions—are being irresponsible/greedy by making such systems available?
Or do you see nothing wrong with knowing drivers with Moon in Pisces tend to make unrealistic emotional choices, while you wait in traffic?
[Source: Ford]