Top 10s: Future collectible cars
Story John LeBlanc That age-old bugaboo called depreciation makes sure that any new vehicle purchase is not a financial investment. But a select few of the hundreds of different models available in Canadian new car showrooms today have the potential to someday become future collectibles. Share:
Top 10s: New vehicles for Canadian hockey parents
Story by John LeBlanc Are there any drivers on Canadian roads and highways that deserve more respect than hockey parents? (or skiing, speed skating, curling, luge, bob sleigh or ringette parents?) Battling before-dawn wakeup calls, rush-hour traffic, four-season driving conditions and unruly passengers — not to mention the transportation of toxic cargo known as the […]
Top 10s: New 2014 vehicles to survive a Canadian winter
Story by John LeBlanc With a Canadian winter finally here in all its freezing, snowy and slushy glory, traction is at the top of the wish list for many buyers looking for a new set of wheels. And while a proper set of snow tires is the first step in making sure you and your […]
Feature: World’s most valuable auto brands
Story by John LeBlanc In this year’s edition of Interbrand’s annual Best Global Brands survey, the big news was Coca-Cola being dethroned by the U.S. electronics giant Apple for the title of “world’s most valuable brand,” a crown the U.S. soft drink giant wore for 13 straight years. But of more interest to readers […]
Top 10s: Wagons we want
Story by John LeBlanc Foreign-market station wagons are the car nutters’ holy grail. As practical as some crossovers and SUVs, but with the ride and handling of a regular sedan, traditional wagons have been sent to the scrap heap in North America. Somehow, though, wagons are still as popular as ever in more car-savvy countries. […]
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