First Drive: 2009 BMW 750 i/750 Li
Story and photos by John LeBlanc DRESDEN, Germany–It was a textbook display of understatement: at the launch of the new 7 Series, BMW’s sales and marketing head Ian Robertson conceded that the styling of the previous version of the company’s flagship luxury sedan was “not without controversy.” No kidding. Share:
First Drive: 2009 BMW 335d
Story and photos by John LeBlanc MUNICH–If you’re a fan of fast, fine-driving, yet frugal automobiles, you should be thanking 19th-century German chemist Friedrich Wohler, best-known for his artificial synthesis of urea without the use of kidneys from man or dog. Urea, naturally found in mammalian and amphibian urine, as well as in some fish, […]
Road Test: 2008 Chrysler 300C SRT
Story and photos by John LeBlanc Chrysler’s 300C is a full-size sedan with rear-wheel-drive proportions typical of American cars circa 1955, and its face – a combination of intimidating grille and headlights hung under furrowed brows – fills up other vehicles’ rear-view mirrors like a grizzly bear peeking into a camper’s tent. And, of course, […]
Road Trip: 2008 Targa Newfoundland – Part 2
Story and photos by John LeBlanc St. John’s, Newfoundland – A lot of things run though your mind when you realize your Targa Newfoundland racecar is no longer pointing in the desired direction, but rather heading swiftly towards a ditch – sideways – at about 60 km/h. You think … 1) Oh! So that’s why […]
Road Trip: 2008 Targa Newfoundland – Part 1
Story and photos by John LeBlanc My road to this year’s Targa Newfoundland road rally started on the last stage of the last day after completing the 2006 event. Arriving back where I had started five days earlier, near St. John’s harbour, overwhelmed by simply surviving such a grueling event as a navigator, I swore […]
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